As the Rare Earth song says, “I just want to celebrate another day of living.” Life presents many opportunities to celebrate and I believe it is important to participate in as many celebrations as possible. When someone leads as busy and fast paced life as my spouse/business partner and I do, it is important to note the special occasions, both little and big, that arise in any given month. One of the best ways to celebrate is by making everyday events into something special. For example, my husband and I were married on January 1, which is a great day for us to celebrate where we have been and where we are going! On the first day of each and every month since our wedding day, we celebrate the occasion by enjoying a bottle of champagne. It doesn’t have to be an expensive bottle of champagne, but the bubbly is a fun tradition in our marriage that keeps the spark alive and allows us to reflect on our time together. (And, yes, we have consumed lots of champagne!) We also exchange greeting cards on every occasion imaginable, buy fresh flowers for our home, and treat ourselves to a fancy dinner to celebrate bringing in new business, graduation milestones, and numerous other life events. I have been around people who say things like, “it’s just another day,” but to me, there is always something to celebrate if you try to find it. So… celebrate another day of living! Be glad you’re alive!
We have enjoyed many celebrations and I believe this practice has had many positive benefits for us personally and professionally. There are many challenges to running a small business, or a large one for that matter, and finding ways to reward ourselves, and sometimes our employees, with celebrations of various achievements is a good way to reflect on accomplishments, and to encourage more of them! On the personal level they provide the antithesis of the “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” lamentation from The Shining. And, work without rewards seems pointless to me and these celebrations are motivating because we all know what were working to achieve. In our work environment we celebrate every new client/case by ringing a bell. This tradition started a few years ago and it has been a fun way to celebrate each and every case – everyone stops and gets together when the bell rings to find out what new and interesting case has landed on our plates. So, look for creative ways to celebrate personal, and work, milestones and successes!
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