Much has been said about the importance of having “date night” or other forms of private get togethers between busy spouses or romantic partners. When the spouses are also business partners who work together all day then go home together, it may not seem as important to spend free time together as it is for other couples. In my opinion, this couldn’t be further from the truth: Married couples who work together need to spend quality time together, outside work and not involving household duties, errands, and other routine tasks, to rekindle their relationship and enjoy each other’s company. The way of spending free time together isn’t as important as just making it happen. It can range from attending a concert (my preference is for loud rock and roll!), to going to a local wine tasting, to walking on the beach, to riding around looking at the scenery, to whatever the couple enjoys doing together. My spouse/business partner and I don’t schedule these outings at regular intervals, however, if that’s what it takes to carve out the time from a busy work/personal life, then by all means, put it on the calendar. And don’t ruin this special time by discussing work or mundane events that can wait for a less important occasion. Read Counterpoint Here
An important aspect of non work time is keeping it non work time – that is, not letting work issues creep back into the situation. For us, this is about “couples’” time – but for business partners who are not couples, having connections beyond work can be beneficial. Activities which allow partners to connect as people can certainly enhance working relationships. Finding ways to connect on a personal basis strengthens connections and can lead to a better understanding of how to work together. It leads to seeing partners as real people, not just workers. From a marketing perspective, it should help foster business development – by knowing how your partners may relate to other clients. But, that is getting beyond the point. The point it, life should not be all work, all the time. Not does this just make life dull, humans work to live, not live to work – even if one is passionate about one’s work. Invest in quality time for each other.
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