I used to work in a large corporation where staff meetings, committee meetings, and meetings of other varieties were commonplace. These meetings seemed, to me, to drone on endlessly, with much discussion, but little actual work, being accomplished. In the years I have co-owned and operated a small business, I have kept meetings to a minimum, preferring to “just do it” to talking about it, (whatever “it” may be). If a meeting lasts too long for my comfort level, those in attendance will notice my attention wandering, to the point that I am glancing at the clock, tuning out the never ending conversation, and sometimes, asking to be excused while others finish the conversation that is obviously far more important to them than me. I believe in taking action, not endlessly discussing the action that could be taken, if only the discussion would end. Overall, although I believe in proper planning in order to execute proper action, I like to do whatever work awaits instead of merely talking about it.
I believe “Just Do It” has been Melissa’s motto for longer than it has been Nike’s. In other words, she likes to “git er done.” While meetings are often necessary to coordinate to ensure that everyone will get things done with the same information and goals in mind, as Dilbert illustrates, meetings often take on a life of their own. I know our world of small business results in a more streamlined decision and action process than in larger businesses. We often participate in meetings with litigation teams and getting everyone “on board” is challenging, and requires patience. When there is a strong lead counsel, things work well. When there is not, well… In any event, the biggest challenge I face is which thing to do first. Prioritizing is part of the process and priorities change quickly. Wanting to just do it, whether it is writing a post like this, or anything else, is the start, getting it done, especially when others must be involved, is sometimes not as easy as it sounds. And, tracking ongoing tasks, determining when they are done is a job in itself. Just do it works best with finite tasks; ongoing projects sometimes seem to be done in fits and spurts with no activity for a time, then much all at once. In all, the goal is to prioritize and get things done. Absent lists and other organizational tools, however, the result is often spinning wheels.
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