Technology is Great…until it isn’t

We rely on technology in today’s world. Some tech is life or death; some of it just seems that way. After my last post, one might understand my frustrations with technology – the loss of data with a server crash is very painful. And, even after supposed recovery of the data, we find ourselves spending hours (which translates to money) recreating, restoring, reviewing and trying to replicate what was lost. This is an expensive and stressful proposition. But, beyond the computer server, there are so many intrusions of technology that make one wonder sometimes if it is worth the stress. Think of untimely software updates. These things often happen at inopportune times, whether it is a phone or computer. This week, I’ve also “fought” database re-construction in terms of getting tech support from the software company, as well as our IT people. Stuff just doesn’t work simply. One could lose a Rolodex card for sure, but Rolodexes didn’t crash. Then there was the broken blog email system – resulting in a fix which triggered a rogue test email sent in the middle of the night to everyone on the e-blast list. I sometimes consider how many hours, how much money, and how much tech support is required in the modern world. Thinking about it makes me want to scream – but I just vent by typing these words. I’m sure many people can relate!

One of my friends recently asked me to fix her computer.  She was surprised when I told her I have absolutely no idea how to fix computers, phones, tablets, or any other electronic devices.  She remarked that, because I am so smart, she thought fixing a computer must be simple for me!  I wish!  Given all of the trials and tribulations David and I have been through over the years, I wish I were self reliant to the point that I never had to depend on a computer technician to help me.  Alas, it seems I will always need this type of assistance, in addition to other professional help (the most important among my helpers are the housekeeper, cat sitter, and landscaper).  I have been described as “old school” and “retro.”  I still have the words “groovy” and “psychedelic” as important parts of my vocabulary.  Thus, I am not particularly fond of many modern day technological inventions.  The worst part of some technological advances is the regression they create in our brains.  For example, I know many people who have been to my house on numerous occasions, but who, nonetheless, depend on a GPS to know how to get there.  My house hasn’t moved, however, these people are not able to use their brain power to get them where they have been many times.  I can still read an old fashioned map, a skill that comes in handy when David and I are driving in areas with no cell phone service and thus, no GPS.  Luckily for me, the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west, guiding me along in the old school and retro way, without the assistance of a computer technician.

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